A young girl followed a broken path;
and, along the way she made three friends:
Faith, Success, and Love.
Each of these friends gave the girl gifts that she would need on her journey.
The first of the three, Faith, met the girl at a young age.
Faith gave her the power of belief.
Belief in herself, and in God, enabled her to be brave in the face of failure.
This would come in handy when the girl was to meet Success.
This new friend would come and go, and was difficult to hold on to.
But once Success was around to stay, she gave the girl the gift of humility.
Humility was a spectacular thing, for it enabled the girl to understand people with empathy.
With belief from Faith and humility from Success,
the girl would be prepared to meet her next friend: Love.
Love brought with her something special, a partner.
The girl bravely faced her new partner and empathized with this person's own story.
Love merged the girl's path with that of this new partner's, and there at the intersection
She found her Destiny.
and, along the way she made three friends:
Faith, Success, and Love.
Each of these friends gave the girl gifts that she would need on her journey.
The first of the three, Faith, met the girl at a young age.
Faith gave her the power of belief.
Belief in herself, and in God, enabled her to be brave in the face of failure.
This would come in handy when the girl was to meet Success.
This new friend would come and go, and was difficult to hold on to.
But once Success was around to stay, she gave the girl the gift of humility.
Humility was a spectacular thing, for it enabled the girl to understand people with empathy.
With belief from Faith and humility from Success,
the girl would be prepared to meet her next friend: Love.
Love brought with her something special, a partner.
The girl bravely faced her new partner and empathized with this person's own story.
Love merged the girl's path with that of this new partner's, and there at the intersection
She found her Destiny.
my she has learned so much - and come so far.