Thursday, December 27, 2012

Faith, Success, Love, Destiny

A young girl followed a broken path;
and, along the way she made three friends:
Faith, Success, and Love.
Each of these friends gave the girl gifts that she would need on her journey.
The first of the three, Faith, met the girl at a young age.
Faith gave her the power of belief.
Belief in herself, and in God, enabled her to be brave in the face of failure.
This would come in handy when the girl was to meet Success.
This new friend would come and go, and was difficult to hold on to.
But once Success was around to stay, she gave the girl the gift of humility.
Humility was a spectacular thing, for it enabled the girl to understand people with empathy.
With belief from Faith and humility from Success,
the girl would be prepared to meet her next friend: Love.
Love brought with her something special, a partner.
The girl bravely faced her new partner and empathized with this person's own story.
Love merged the girl's path with that of this new partner's, and there at the intersection
She found her Destiny.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


2012 has been great to me, but alas the new year is on its way. Let's celebrate 2013 with some good music, good friends, and good times!!! Here's a mix of some Top 40 and House beats. Enjoy :) 

Rihanna - Pour it Up

Flo Rida - I Cry

Bruno Mars - Locked out of Heaven

Calvin Harris and Florence Welch - Sweet Nothing

Deadmau5 - Strobe (Club Edit)

Kaskade - Don't Stop Dancing

Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You

Eric Turner vs. Avicii - Dancing in my Head

Paul van Dyk - I Don't Deserve You (Seven Lions Remix)

Swedish House Mafia - Don't you Worry Child

Friday, December 21, 2012



She counts.
Each ounce.

Each blessing.

Each gift.


She recalls,
Each of the falls.

She sows.
In rows,
Each of life's blows.

They stack.
In racks,
Each white and each black.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Anticipated Ends and Fixed Means

Past. Present. Future.

We all have some notion of who we are. In any fixed moment in life, we think we've figured it out.

However, looking back we'll often see that we've changed so many times and our opinions on different aspects of life have also changed.

More than likely, as time goes on we will continue to change who we are and our beliefs.

Our past and future are therefore bound by impermanence and flexibility, while our present is static. As we live in the now, we tend to make decisions so intrinsically tied to a permanent notion of who we are. The actions we take in the present are the only true things we can control.We cannot act in the anticipation of an end, with a notion of who we want to be or who we want another person to be.

However, we already know that the future is bound by flexibility and the past is proof that change is inevitable. Thus, we can enable our presents to also be flexible and ever-changing, in an effort to avoid making immediate life decisions that contain in them the pungent taste of misjudgment and haste, or even hesitation and fear.

This becomes significant when making bonds with new people and new friends - accepting them as fluid beings, not stuck in categories defined by stereotypical images confirmed by society. The same is true for ourselves. Giving ourselves the room to be free, the room to make mistakes, and to not set unrealistic expectations of ourselves.

Therefore, transforming a path of fixed means into  something that is more flexible removes stress and pressure - allowing mistakes to be part and parcel of the human experience.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Felling any foe with my gaze.

Brooklyn based band, Blue Foundation, released the single Eyes on Fire in 2009. Enjoy.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Purity Ring.

Just. Chill.

in other thoughts pure:

"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot. The world forgetting by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each pray'r accepted and each wish resign'd."

-Alexander Pope, excerpt from "Eloisa to Abelard"


"Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders."

-Friedrich Nietzsche 

Friday, December 7, 2012

haphazard encounters.

aimlessly she walks.
music traveling from ear cavity to cavity. 
song taking her to a place 
not far from her memory, but far from the present.
life's matter swirls and dances around her
as she scopes through windows, 
reads street poles and signs, 
finds treasures on the ground.
her head snaps up, and her heart beat quickens. 
joy and fear capture her simultaneously. 
as she eyes the shadow man from toe to temple, 
a world of moments rush into her.
she gasps for breath, confused:
"the features are similar, 
the slouch the same.
height, hair, hands
all tropes of you.
and yet, it is not you." 

is it the eye that sees visuals, or the heart that recreates visuality? 
haphazard encounters in the crowded streets of life. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

story telling < > story making

In 2009 I spent one semester of my fourth year of college studying at the Washington Alexandria Architectural Center, a satellite campus for Virginia Tech. I wanted to get away from the isolated cow fields I'd become so accustomed to in Blacksburg, VA. I needed to get closer to a city, closer to my family, and closer to potential jobs. So, after three years of living in Blacksburg from dorm to different apartments, and a semester of traveling through Europe with 40 bratty college students, I moved back home for a semester.

Story making: I would come to make great friends in this single semester, friends that until today meant so much to my growth and development. Together with these people, we would share many great laughs and our time together could read like a very sweet story. Shared tales were made out of the stuff of happiness, sadness, anger, and love. Along with building a great network of people, I found myself deeply immersed in my school work and studio project. Perhaps a result of living at home with my parents, and being forcibly required to come home at a decent hour and do my homework (definitely not my most independent semester). 

Story dreaming: Our school building was located in Old Town Alexandria, a quaint little city that always appears like a black and white Polaroid when I reflect back in my memory. The building itself was built in 1923 and was a former girls school. It's old brick structure, creaky wooden floors, and puzzle-like interior made for a quirky learning environment. We each selected our own desks at the beginning of the year in the deep corners of this unique place; and as simple as that, I had claimed a part of this school to be my own. I can't remember a time in my life where I was not more comfortable and happy. I loved it. I miss it. 

Story reading: We were assigned to read Micromegas by Voltaire. An amazing short story that tells the tale of travelers from other planets discovering Earth and its inhabitants. In their discovery, they found the importance of cross-cultural exchange and dialogue and how we can learn a great deal from others. Most significant is that in this process of exchange, the travelers realized that their assumed notions about the universe were false - lending to a process of self-reflection and growth.

Story housing: From this old traveler's tale, we were encouraged to design a story telling store - a place where locals would come, pay an entrance fee, and enjoy an hour or so of oral narrative. At the time, this seemed like a fairly intuitive project. I wanted to design several spaces that would be immersed in Old Town. The listener would travel from enclosed space to enclosed space - winding through the city with a map. Each of the buildings dotted on the map were forms that mirrored and reflected back the culture of the city - the architecture of Alexandria. The paths that connected each of the units, therefore, became just as significant - they were as much a part of the story telling process as the actual buildings themselves. Through a series of hand drawings and computer renderings, I produced what I thought was a beautiful reflection of local architecture and ancient story all meshed into one. 

Future stories: Fast forward to today, three years later and during my final year of graduate school in Cambridge at MIT. I've come a long way from Blacksburg and Alexandria, and my notions of story telling and story making have seemingly come full circle. However, I've come to realize that stories are much more nuanced than listening and telling. Stories that are produced with the stuff of reality do not always have the opportunity to be completed. Some stories never get a chance to begin. Some stories are just dreams, fairy tales - utopian fantasies. But it is in the anticipation of a story, the possibility and chance of its production, that makes this city much more exciting. Cambridge has been a place of confrontation and self reflection, produced by the very making and potentially-made stories of my interactions. 

If I could go back and redesign my story telling store, I would remove all the walls and boundaries of the buildings that indicated houses of reading. Much like the traveler Micromegas, the true meaning of story comes from experience, comes from people, and comes from the deconstruction of reality. Rather than mirroring Alexandria back at the reader, and interpreting it for each person - I'd allow the city to just be, giving each person the right to be subjective. Let love grow in the alleys. Let hearts break on street ways. Let friendship develop through window panes. Good stories are made of the stuff of reality, not to be isolated away within encapsulated spaces. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown.

It seems like such a simple task, to be honest. And yet, I often find that it is one of the most difficult responsibilities I am faced with on a regular basis. Honesty with oneself and with others can be a deliberate act of confrontation with one's own deepest vulnerabilities and weaknesses. I believe that we, as emotional and rational human beings, develop our own systems or facades that help us to shield away our truths. The shields can vary in size and depth; and, more often than not are used to protect us from the people we fear the most. We fear them because they might not understand the real matter that defines our true being. Further than not understanding, they may mock or hurt us. Aside from being honest with others, we also tend to lie to ourselves. We don't know that we are in the midst of the act of lying, but rather our mind plays tricks on us.

How do we move into a state of true honesty, acceptance, and courage? Courage to be who we are - no matter how ugly we feel that our realities may be or how ugly others make us feel they are.

Once, a very close friend of mine explained that only in our most vulnerable moments are we able to truly find human connections. I've come to really understand and consider this statement the older I get. I want to be free of my inhibitions, be free to be vulnerable and honest. I want to be fearless. And in that fearlessness, I'd like to find true happiness and make deep bonds with those around me. This is what motivates me to be courageous.

Somewhere along my path of ups and downs, mistakes and accomplishments, regrets and joys, I hope to find the strength to be honest.


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing, there is a field. 
I'll meet you there. 
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about."


Friday, November 30, 2012

Beat. Bump. Buzz.

A new day. New Music. All smiles. 


Lorge - El Ten Eleven

Atlus Genius - Trojans

Foster the People - Waste

Kito - Sweet Talk